Benefit from APT’s API integration with DVLA

APT is connected to the DVLA via an API to deliver real time DVLA data requests. APT is leading the way in providing authorised parking operators with real time data access to reduce the time it takes to request and receive keeper details.

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Operational Processes


Private landowners, owners of parking facilities and those managing land on behalf of the owners require a reliable, robust, and timely software solution to protect land use and maximise on genuine revenue opportunities. It doesn’t matter if it’s an ANPR, MNPR or Warden managed site, the time it takes to process the details for the vehicle and the driver is critical to being able generate a PCN.

Previously within the parking software market providers integrate with a 3rd party and their set up often using VMs and FTPs i.e. requests to DVLA are made in batches at defined periods of the day, this 3rd party is using old technology approaches to send and receive data from the DVLA. Typically, this process of sending and receiving data can up to 2 days, in modern technology standards this is too long!


API integration with DVLA reduces time 


The good news is that the DVLA have recently provided a RESTful API which means you can connect via the API to the DVLA, we are extremely pleased to say that APT is now connected using the API approach. This allows DVLA authorised Parking Operators to use their KADEO link within APT for this direct API approach. 

APT is leading the way in providing car park operators with real time data access to reduce the time it takes to request and receive driver keeper details.

This integration is significant:

  • Real time – instantly request and receive DVLA data

  • Security and robustness – this comes from having the API approach in place and removes the rigidity of FTPs/physical servers

  • Operational efficiencies – the time it takes to process a PCN is significantly reduced

Explore how moving your operations to APT’s Parking Management Software with it’s API access to DVLA data could be positively changing your site(s) capabilities. Get in touch.